What is Contoura Vision?
CONTOURA® Vision is the latest FDA approved LASIK technology available in the U.S for laser vision correction. CONTOURA® Vision improves upon the traditional Wavelight® LASIK procedure by using today’s most advanced mapping technology to map the unique contours of the surface of your cornea. The scanning procedure samples up to 22,000 elevation points on each eye to create a unique vision profile for you, and only you.
WHY PAY MORE for OLDER Technology Elsewhere for $6,000? At Our Center get the LATEST CONTURA LASIK for 50% LESS!
What’s the difference between LASIK and CONTOURA® Vision?
In standard wavefront-guided LASIK, ones prescription is only used in the calculations for your procedure. With CONTOURA® Vision, a topography guided lasik treatment is used utilizing a picture of the eye measuring peaks and depressions specfic for your personalized cornea. Contura LASIK uses up to 22,000 topographical points to map the surface of the cornea. This creates a highly detailed scan showing microscopic peaks and valleys that can be smoothed out by the advance laser system & significantly improving the quality of vision for patients.
Why Should I Get CONTOURA® Vision from Columbus Lasik Vision?
CONTOURA® Vision topography-guided LASIK offers a truly personalized laser vision correction experience. Using the corneal topography measurements and data from the Allegro Vario Topolyzer, Dr. William Columbus is able to make additional calculations and detailed measurements to smooth out any irregularities on your cornea to ensure fantastic results.
Experience matters with over 92% of Contura patients achieving 20/20 & 65% achieving 20/15.
Our personal experience with Contoura
In our first year in performing Contoura , over 98% of our patients with pre-operative glare at night had a significant improvement in their glare at night with less starbursts and halos. Also some had a complete resolution of their glare at night and are now driving more safely at night than ever before. Contoura is recommended also for people with night time occupations who can’t afford to have glare at night such as police officers, paramedics, truck drivers , and airline pilots. We have seen so many new patients happy with their Contoura results.